We support train ticket booking at: Vientiane, Vangvieng, Luang Prabang, Muangxai, Nathu, Boten and China: Kunming, Mohan, Pu'er, Xishuangbanna,Bangkok, Thailand, Vietnam and other stations;
It is recommended that you book tickets in advance 3-4 days before departure, because most tickets will be sold out. It is best to book online;
We'll help you find the best train line and provide you with all the information you need, including prices and seat availability.
After placing your order, we will issue your ticket and send the e-ticket to your email within 60 minutes (06:30-22:00 Laos time).
Choose and book the train in advance according to the travel plan, and follow the webpage reminder to place the order.
It is recommended to at least advance4daysBook a tripAfter placing the order, follow the webpage prompts to pay. Paypal or credit card payment is supported.
Support VISA、Master、JCB Waiting for credit card paymentPlease ensure that the order information and email address are correct. We will issue tickets in time after receiving the order.
Sale period: